Client-Facing Project Plans

Collaborative project plans your clients will love.

Stop sending your clients messy spreadsheets and clunky project management tools. Create shared customer project plans that your clients will actually use.

Dock G2 Rating

Working with you shouldn’t feel
like homework.

Create shared action plans that move client relationships forward—instead of slowing them down.

Create white-glove project plans.

Give tasks context with descriptions, links and
files for each step. Dock supports PDFs, images, links, embeds, and custom widgets.

Assign tasks

Assign tasks to
people or teams

Multi-phase plans

Break long projects
into stages.

Automated reminders

Send task reminders
when due.

Collaborate with prospects and clients.

Let your customers check off tasks,
leave comments, and upload files.

Launch new projects
without the hassle.

Templated action plans

Create plans in seconds with pre-made templates.

Multiple view options

Switch between List or Kanban view.

Internal-only tasks

Make internal tasks hidden from clients.

Client-facing workspaces
that customers love

Get started

Frequently asked questions

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Why use Dock’s project plan software?

There are a lot of project management apps out there. Most companies go one of two ways when managing projects: DIY Excel spreadsheets or Google Sheets, or expensive project management software like Asana, Jira, Trello, Wrike, or Basecamp. 

Simple spreadsheets don’t exactly scream white glove, and complex project management platforms can often be overkill and overly complex with a steep learning curve for the needs of many companies. They were built for internal collaboration, not external collaboration.

Dock was built for external collaboration first. It’s designed specifically to provide a beautiful customer experience. Clients don’t need accounts, and you can embed your project plans next to other content and tools, like reports, dashboards, and files.

Do my customers need a user account or paid seat to use Dock?

No, only your company members need accounts. Your customers don’t need their own accounts.

Can you set due dates for individual tasks within a project plan?

Yes. Dock dashboards makes it easy to track due dates. Our platform includes useful functionality to set due dates and assign individuals to customizable tasks. This is a great tool for maintaining accountability throughout the project. 

You can even set up notifications on or after due dates to help notify stakeholders that project milestones are approaching or have passed. Anyone who has been assigned to a task will receive these notifications in real-time.

These features make it a snap to create task lists, set due dates, and monitor project progress.

Can I create project plan templates?

If you have a common workflow across different project types, you can create a project plan template that can be quickly reused and pulled into any Dock workspace. This is a great feature for streamlining your management system. You can also sync project plan settings across your workspaces, so any changes will auto-populate across all workspaces using that template.

Can Dock project plans be displayed in a Kanban view?

Yes. Dock’s project scheduling software can track progress in either listview or kanban view with easy-to-use drag-and-drop functionality. When you create a project plan from scratch, you’ll be able to select your preferred view.

Does Dock support custom task statuses?

Yes. By default, Dock’s task statuses are “To do”, “In progress”, and “Completed”, but you can also add custom statuses and colors for each status.

Can I set relative start or due dates for specific tasks?

When setting start or due dates for specific tasks, you can create relative or conditional settings that can trigger a certain number of days after a previous task has been completed. This is a useful tool for automating tasks with certain dependencies, allowing for more effective work management without needing to micromanage administration.

Can I create tasks for internal teams only?

With Dock, you can manage internal and external tasks within the same workflow. When creating a new task, you can designate it as “internal only,” hiding it from the shared view with external customers.

This feature makes your Dock workspace a robust tool for managing internal teams, freelancers or external stakeholders.

Does Dock integrate with other project management tools?

We don't have any true integrations with other project management tools, but any embeddable tool can be embedded in a Dock workspace. For example, you can embed Airtable views, Asana kanban boards, or other PM tools in Dock.

Does Dock’s project plan software integrate with Hubspot or Salesforce?

Yes. Dock features a full integration with both Hubspot and Salesforce. More than simply syncing customer contact data, Dock’s integrations allow you to track the individual task statuses right from your favorite CRM apps. You can create custom fields that map to fields in your favorite CRM apps.

What are the most common use cases of Dock's client project management software?

Dock's client project management software can be used in pretty much any B2B relationship. Below we’ve listed some of the most common use cases of Dock's PM tools:

Onboarding a new customer or partner:
- Assign task management ownership, on both the client and company side
- Maintaining client buy-in throughout the sale
- Task due dates keep projects moving along

As a mutual action plan during the sales process:
- Clearly outlining next steps in the sales process
- Lay out responsibilities on both sides of the transaction during the evaluation process
- Internal alignment and hand-off between departments

As an ongoing client portal:
- Share deliverables
- Embed dashboards and reports
- Assign internal an client tasks

What is client project management?

Client project management is a methodology that encompasses everything that goes into effectively managing the tasks and deliverables within a customer-facing project, ensuring the project is delivered to the client on time and on budget. As projects grow in size and complexity, maintaining positive client project management processes is key to keeping clients happy long-term.

What are the benefits of using client project management software?

Projects can quickly grow in size and complexity, and there are a lot of software options out there. The best client project management software is designed to aid companies in keeping projects moving forward in an orderly and organized fashion, streamlining the entire process, increasing automation (and profitability), and keeping timelines on track. 

Dashboards and intuitive Kanban boards are great for either external or internal facing audiences, project management software allows client stakeholders, sales team members, and supervisors to see a project’s status at a glance.

Dashboards can also help increase automation for key processes, making your workflows more consistent and manageable. They also allow teams to track project milestones easily, making you look like a pro. Project managers can create templates for common use cases, while customizable elements allow you to tailor the experience for each client.

Project management software like this is also useful for laying out all required tasks and subtasks for all important stakeholders to see. This makes it easy to obtain any required permissions or approvals needed to move the project forward.

What types of businesses benefit most from a project management tool like Dock?

While any business would probably benefit from improved client project management and task management, businesses with longer, more complex client-facing project cycles will certainly benefit most. 

In B2B, the client-company relationship is paramount. Maintaining a good relationship and consistent communication is essential to building and maintaining business.

Some examples of business types that find project client project management especially beneficial include:

- Software & tech companies (especially SaaS)
- Marketing & creative agencies
- Consultants

How can internal teams use Dock to improve handoff between departments?

Teamwork can be challenging as teams within a company grow. When it comes to managing client projects, team collaboration is key, as there are often numerous moving pieces involved. Dock project plans help to streamline the hand-off of clients from one department to another—Sales to Customer Success for example.

Similar to a sales situation, tasks in the customer project plan can be assigned to team members from either team, along with due dates and space to leave notes. This helps create a reliable and easily repeatable process so important pieces aren’t forgotten.

How does client project plan software empower Customer Success teams?

Client project plan software features many of the key features designed to make customer support easy and consistent for each and every client. Collaborative project plan software helps to create transparency throughout the processes, keeping team members on both sides of the transaction on task and on time. The added transparency assures clients you are using billable hours efficiently.

Whether you have a small team or a large one, client project plan software is a welcome addition to any project management system. Dock, for example, features many customization options and integrations with many popular platforms including:
- Slack
- Google Drive
- Dropbox
- Airtable
- Loom
- Wistia, and more